Rosary Primary School – Watson, ACT

ACT Primary Schools

Years: K-6Type: CoeducationPrincipal: Mr Greg WalkerStreet Address: 9 Fleming St Watson ACT 2602Phone: 02 6248 0010 Email: Website:

Rosary Primary School is a Catholic school located in the suburb of Watson. It was founded in 1963 by the Dominican Friars and staffed by Dominican Sisters. Uniquely located, Rosary Primary School is almost surrounded by the Australian Catholic University.

Rosary Primary School acknowledges the value of each member of its Christ-centred community and encourages interactions that reflect the Dominican spirit of truth, justice and celebration. It provides a quality learning environment that caters for the holistic development of the individual and growth in all aspects of life.

The school provides a challenging and comprehensive education for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Through its defining culture, its curriculum and Religious Education studies, Rosary Primary School aims to foster in individuals a rich relationship with God.

The school motto Veritas (Truth) is reflected and promoted in all school activities and experiences.