Mother Teresa Primary School – Harrison, ACT

ACT Primary Schools
Years: P-6Type: CoeducationPrincipal: Carmel MaguireStreet Address: 40 Wimmera St Harrison ACT 2914Phone: 02 6241 5604 Email: Website: Teresa School was opened in 2010 in the Gungahlin suburb of Harrison. It is one of three schools in the Holy Spirit Parish.
Mother Teresa School believes in the importance of families and the role they play in the development of children. The school’s vision is ‘As a Catholic learning community, all at Mother Teresa school are called to care, to dream to innovate, to inspire!’
Mother Teresa School is a place to be safe, happy and have fun; welcomed and welcoming; accepted and valued for who you are; inspired by our common values; in positive partnership with students, parents, teachers and the wider community; part of an innovative and engaging learning environment.
The regional Catholic Early Learning Centre for children living in Gungahlin is co-located at the Mother Teresa School site.