Holy Trinity Primary School – Curtin, ACT

ACT Primary Schools
Years: P-6Type: CoeducationPrincipal: Philippa BrearleyStreet Address: 18-20 Theodore St Curtin ACT 2605 Phone: 02 6281 4811 Email: office.holytrinity@cg.catholic.edu.au Website: http://holytrinity.act.edu.auEstablished on 2 February 1965, Holy Trinity Primary School is located in the suburb of Curtin in the heart of Canberra’s leafy inner south. The Sisters of Charity arrived in the school in January 1966 and managed the school until the end of 1988. Holy Trinity is now a small, friendly school, which nurtures and encourages a strong sense of community.
The school prides itself on living out Jesus’ message of Faith, Hope and Love. Holy Trinity promotes student success through challenging, relevant and engaging programs that meet the diverse learning needs and develop each student’s unique potential.
The school has a vibrant and supportive parent community who assist in many and varied ways. As a community it endeavours to live and model the Gospel values of its school motto ‘Faith, Hope and Love’.
The regional Catholic Early Learning Centre for children living in Woden is co-located at the Holy Trinity Primary School site.