Holy Family Primary School – Gowrie, ACT

ACT Primary Schools
Years: P-6Type: CoeducationPrincipal: Kate MarkcrowStreet Address: 215 Castleton Cres Gowrie ACT 2904Phone: 02 6292 1222 Email: office.holyfamily@cg.catholic.edu.au Website: http://holyfamily.act.edu.auHoly Family Primary School occupies a significant place in the life of Catholic families living in south Tuggeranong. Established in 1985, Holy Family, together with St Clare of Assisi School, Conder and St Francis of Assisi School, Calwell forms part of the Corpus Christi Parish.
Holy Family is a place that is constantly adapting to the changing needs of young people and their world. It is a school where all students can discover who they are and develop the self-confidence to take on new challenges. Our commitment is to unlock the talents of every individual student and help them on their way to a lifetime of self-discovery and fulfilment.
The regional Catholic Early Learning Centre for children living in Tuggeranong is co-located at the Holy Family Primary School site.