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Lumen Christi’s NOvember, NO Plastics, NO Problems Campaign

Students and staff at Lumen Christi Catholic College are about to launch a campaign to become PLASTIC FREE and eliminate the use of disposable plastics.

This campaign will kick off immediately with the aim of being PLASTIC FREE by the start of November this year.The slogan for the campaign is NOvember, NO Plastic, NO Problems!

The first step of the campaign involves staff and students conducting a plastic “audit” to evaluate just how much disposable plastic the College produces.  From the audit students and staff will develop, implement and monitor solutions to reduce their plastic usage.  To help spread the PLASTIC FREE message the College will also be conducting Flash “Trash” mob performances and offering incentives and prizes for staff and students who manage to become plastic free.

College Principal, Steve Centra, said he is hoping that the campaign will take off within the wider community and encourages each and every one of us to do our bit to make our local region PLASTIC FREE.

If you would like to join or assist with the campaign, or would like more information, please contact teacher and campaign coordinator, Martin McGee, at the College.

NOvember, NO Plastic, NO Problems!”

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