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Gearing up for Parent Engagement in Student Learning Toolkit

The ‘Gearing Up for Parent Engagement in Student Learning’ resource, created by Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) was launched at Parliament House on Monday, 16 September. Guests included Minister for Education, the Hon Dan Tehan; Shadow Minister for Education and Training, Tanya Plibersek; Jacinta Collins, Executive Director of the National Catholic Education Commission and Director of Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn, Ross Fox.

The free online toolkit has been designed to assist in making the transition from primary to secondary school a great experience for children, young people and their families. It encourages the formation of strong relationships between home and school, allowing parents and carers to engage in their children’s education.

“Parents should play an active role in their child’s education,” Mr Tehan said.

“When parents and teachers have healthy, engaged relationships, our students benefit.”

The federal Government provided funding to CSPA to develop the toolkits, which are now freely available to parents, carers and educators in all school systems.

“This important resource is essential for families and schools,” said CPSA deputy chair Carmel Nash.

Delegates from CSPA visited St Gregory’s Primary School, Queanbeyan and Merici College, Braddon, where students spoke about the many ways their school engages with parents.

Visit to St Gregory’s Primary School, Queanbeyan.

Visit to Merici College, Braddon.

Director of Catholic Education, Ross Fox, Carmel Nash and Minister for Education Hon Dan Tehan.

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