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The Catholic Education met for the first time in 2016 on 7 March.
The following were the major agenda items and reports received for this meeting.
Review of the Catholic Education Commission
The CEC noted the Review recommendations and noted the action to be taken. A more detailed report will be communicated to the school community through the CEO bulletin.
Delegation of Authority
The CEC noted the delegation of authority for both the Catholic Education Commission and the Director of Catholic Education.
Archdiocesan Leadership Framework
The CEO presented the Archdiocesan Leadership Framework which were finalised in January. The new framework is based on AITSL Australian Standards for Principals.
CEC Working Parties
Two CEC Working Parties have been established to investigate:
The provision of ACT Secondary Colleges in light of the changing enrolment trends and changes in population growth in the ACT and surrounding region.
The impact of Catholic and Non-Catholic enrolments on Catholic schools across the Archdiocese.
Both working parties will source respective membership from expertise in the Archdiocese including, Clergy, Principals and Parents.
The Working Parties are both to present its findings before the end of this year.
February Census Results
The CEC noted the February Census Results for all Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese. The CEC has requested the CEO to do further analysis and report back to its meeting in May 2016.
Draft Annual Financial Statements
The CEC noted the first draft of the 2015 income and expenditure statement as a basis for the completion of the Annual financial statements.
Block Grant Authority Applications
The CEC noted the CEO Capital and Facilities recommendations for forwarding to the relevant Block Grant authorities for Block Gran authorities for funding in 2017.
ACT Election Strategy
The ACT Election Strategy for 2016 will be administered by the Catholic Education Commission and the newly established Catholic Parent Body for the Archdiocese. A communication strategy is being developed over the coming weeks.
NCEC Funding
The CEC discussed the NCEC preferred funding model for School education in Australia.
Reports were received from:
• National Catholic Education Commission
• Catholic Education Commission, NSW
• CEO Service Areas
• Director of Catholic Education